Friday, November 24, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ebisu Garden Place Lunch

My friend took us to Ebisu Garden Place for lunch. This restaurant was on the 38F floor with nice view of outside. My lunch was soooo good. Just simple, fresh vegetable and good. I like the gomoku-rice 五目米 too. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006


Tsukemen つけ麺、今流行ってるらしいです。結構おいしかった。 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


My friend Maki has been telling me about this place called "Montauk" on Omotesando. Kaori had once wanted to take me here for lunch but it was packed. They say this is the place for lunch. It was nice. I had my mojito and watching people from the 2/f.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006


We just arrive Japan and made in on time for the opening of our friend's new restuarant "Harenohi" (汁)ハレノヒ。 It's in Nakameguro中目黒, which is an area getting very popular. The nabe 鍋 was really good, except I think they forgot the コラーゲン on ours.

There were many flowers were sent by famous musicians and celebrities.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I went to Bouley with Maki & Rie for lunch today. It was really really good. The food and the services. We ordered the $38 tasting menu but there were 4 extra dishes came out. When we were about to leave, they even gave us a lemon cake as gift. I had skate for appetizer and cod as entree. Both dishes had a touch of japanese seasoning. All the dishes were great. I would definitely love to come back.

The wine list surprised me. There were bottle of wine cost $1600 and even $2950.
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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rice (Nolita)

Went to Rice at Nolita. The food is surprisely pretty good and so does my pictures.. :)
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mom's back from HK

Mom is back from HK. She bought so many things, as usual....Seems like she had a lot of fun there and went to many new places. The flowers are blooming really pretty outside the house.
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Mom & Dad are back to Hong Kong for visit and I am taking care of Darren & Elvina for few days... it's so much more work than I imagined. Taking to school, cooking, feeding, cleaning, calming her down while having 3 dogs together including Chibi. But it was fun ~ she is just so adorable.
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Monday, February 06, 2006

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Birthday 2006

Tonight I went out with friends to Meat Packing District for dinner. Edna, Miyu, Kuri, Cyrus and Satoru, we went to a Thai place called "highline" that Cyrus took us there. The food was all good. Miyu left early because her back doesn't feel well. We then we up to Hotel Gansevoort penthouse to take a look at the bar view. Cyrus said summer time is nicer so we decided to come back other time so we went to his place to continue to drink. We had a great night. Except it was a painful trip back to Brooklyn at around 1am. I slept around 3am but Kuri still had a lot of homework to do. Satoru got me flowers and plant and Miyu got me a cute top :)