Friday, December 28, 2007

Sabon closed on Christmas day

After the busy holiday season, Sabon is closed for the Christmas day..
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sabon - Prince Street Opened

I went to check out the new Sabon Price Street Store today.
It was such as pretty store.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sabon West Village

Stopped by Sabon West Village because interviewing my Japanese NewYorker. The window was so beautiful, as usual.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

1st night dinner in Israel

We had dinner at M&R Brasserie. The food was so good and so as the atmosphere. People here when they go out to smoke, they like to bring their glass of wine with them.

Alon, Vered, and Avi

At the bar, Vered and her friend Ron

Aiko, Tasaki and Me

Ron has a motorcycle and gave me a quick tour with it. It was so fast, little scary but it was fun!

1st Sabon Store - Shenkin Street

After checking in the hotel, the first thing I wanted to see is the Sabon store!! This is the location of the first Sabon store. It's located on Shenkin Street of Tel Aviv. When it first started, it was only about 200 sq feet. I was just so excited to be there.

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Arrived Israel!

Arrived Israel !!! Vered came picked me up with her car with the Sabon sign.  Everything is feeling so real and so close to Sabon now!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

On my way to Israel

When I got to the airport, the security was more strict than expected. They wanted me to leave my luggage to check and come back in 1 hour. Well, so I spent some time checking out some sunglasses at the store. After I went back, there were 3 security people walked me and some other non-Israeli all the way to the plane so we skip the line for all security points.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gift from Sabon Israel

My friend Zoe from Sabon NY, she went back to Israel and got me this beautiful gift from Sabon Shel Paam. It's a travel set that has foot cream, body lotion and hand lotion. I love it !!
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Chibi at Central Park

Today I took Chibi to the Dog Walk for Cancer. But I think we were too late, it was around 2pm and people already wrapping up. It was just so nice weather so we didn't mind. Then we went to Central Park and Chibi's favorite Central Park spot play around. Playing with his balls and going over to the fountain. There were a group of people playing classical music. It was so nice. Chibi said he wants to go to Central Park every weekend like he used to be before. : )
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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sabon Mother's Day Window

Sabon Mother's Day Window at Upper West Side.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mary's Fish Camp

I finally get to go to Mary's Fish Camp. It's opened by Mary (I think) who used to be the co-owner of Pearl Oyster Bar. They don't take reservation but they will call you when the table is ready so we (Satoru & Anthony-san & me) when to nearby bar to drink.

We ordered the famous lobster roll, oysters, clams, octopus appetizers, and a whole fish. The lobster roll with a price of $30, which is quite expensive to me but it was really good. The bottle of white wine was good as well. We sat at the counter facing the kitchen which I enjoyed very much.

Actually this night, we wanted to go to The Spotted Pig which recently won the best chef award from Food & Wine but it was way too packed and way too long wait. Maybe next time.
After dinner, we tried to find a hot bar at the Meat Packing but the first one went in was a hugh mistake. It's a huge place with almost no one in there. So we headed to my recent favorite Buddakan. It's always nice and relax there.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Stanton Social

It's the guys' last day in New York. Chisato-san took us to The Stanton Social and Buddha Bar.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Beautiful card from Israel

Vered sent me a beautiful card.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

TV Asahi Filming at Spring Street

This is for a show calling "Tabi Sarada旅サラダ" in Japan airing in June. Sarah was her salesperson in the show. Ms. Yuko Asano liked the products very much and she bought a lot of stuffs such as hand cream, sugar scrubs, and aroma back to Japan.

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