Saturday, June 28, 2008

2nd day in Japan and Sushi night

2nd day in Tokyo, we had a nice breakfast at the Cerulean hotel and walk to Sabon store from Shibuya, passing Avi's favorite store Paul Smith on Meji Dori.   I was so nervous and exciting to see the Sabon store with my eyes. At night, we had sushi. 

Friday, June 27, 2008

Opening Trip - Day 1

Went to our favorite place - Gonpachi !!
We got a gift from Avi, a very pretty hamsa necklace specially made for us for the 1st opening. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Holy Land Stone in the Store

Finally the Holy Land stone from Jerusalem is in the store. This is going to the first thing I want to touch when I arrive.

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