Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sabon Prince Summer Window

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  1. Hi there!
    So surprise to see your blog! I'm studying in Holland ( in fact I come from Hong Kong) and I just had my first Sabon product last month, then now I think I get addicted to them!!!

    Now I'm a bit worry about returning to HK next year becoz they dun have any Sabons :( Maybe I should start planning to Japan instead.

    I Like your blog very much, its really nice to soooo much about Sabon in NY and TOkyo ( esp Tokyo,coz I've never been to Japan before) Keep up with the effort and nice to meet you!

  2. Hi untracy,

    I am glad you like Sabon. Hopefully I can bring Sabon to Hong Kong some time too. But in the meantime, please visit Sabon in Japan. We will have 5 locations soon.
