Monday, September 30, 2013

Fruity Sensation Shower Oil

 Found the discontinued Fruity Sensation Shower Oil in NY.  I miss this smell a lot!

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sabon x Keep Bra コラボレーション商品発売!


“世界中の人々の心と身体を癒し世界に幸せと平和をもたらしたい”という願いのもと製品作りを行ってるSABON。いつまでも健康な人生を楽しんでほしい、とのエールをこめてKeep Braとのコラボ商品が実現しました! Keep BraとSABONで人気の保湿用ボディスプレー「SABON ボディドゥー」を一緒にご利用いただくことで、五感で癒されながらのケアをお楽しみください。

※お買い上げ1点につき500円が[Keep A Breast Japan]に寄付されます



 Keep Braとは?

Keep Braを装着する前また装着中に、首元や胸元にSABONのポディドゥーを数プッシュ吹きかけ、香りをお楽しみください。

*「阪急フルーツギャザリング エキュート品川店」は9月30日より先行発売 [Link]
* 「Keep Bra公式オンラインショップ」は10月1日からの発売となります。[Link]

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Avi's present to me

 This is the pen that Avi gave to me when we first went to Japan together. Time flies,,, it's more than 5 years ago.
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Sabon Collections

 When I am cleaning up and organizing my Sabon stuffs at NY home, I found so many things I was collecting over the years......NY catalogs, promotion materials, ribbons, boxes, stickers, anything was created by Sabon

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sabon Stationery

 Sabon Stationery has started selling in New York.

Sabon Stationery ニューヨークでは発売始まった!

These are my collections

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 I was looking for a perfect pairs of sandals with straps for the whole summer and finally I found it... but maybe I can't wear til next year.
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sabon Boxes

 Organizing the Sabon boxes that I was keeping for years....

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