Tuesday, October 29, 2013

界阿蘇 星野リゾート


Finally I went to Hoshino Resort at Aso that I always wanted to stay. It's surrounded by mountain and nature. It was really beautiful. A high ceiling living room and bathroom with a view and the best part was the onsen outside the room.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

やま中 もつ鍋

 My first time eating もつ鍋 in 福岡。it was really good!

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お店周り:Sabon 博多阪急

 2年ぶりに博多阪急店に行ってきました!みんなに会えてうれしかった (^0^)

Visited Sabon store at Hakata Hankyu. It's been more than 2 years since I last visited. The store looked nice and all our girls were very friendly.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

横浜ルミネ女子化粧室 Display

 Changed the display at Yokohama Lumine Ladies' room. This time is Autumn feeling display.


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 Picking out sample material for making  curtain for home.  White curtain is my favorites, I picked something with is more transparent so lights will come through.
Image around the TV area with curtain


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New! Shower Gel

 New bottle of Shower Gel!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Omiya 大宮ルミネ
最近Back Officeでみんなのメッセージなどを見ることが好きです。

Went around Omiya, Ikebukuro, Jiyugaoka and Roppongi Hills store today.  These days I love to look at the messages and creative boards inside the back office. :)

Ikebukuro 池袋ルミネ

Jiyugaoka 自由が丘

Roppongi Hills 六本木ヒルズ

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