Sunday, December 28, 2008

Paul Smith

I like Paul Smith 5th Ave store's cabinet. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas eve so I lighted up some gold candle flakes that I got from Israel. I love this candle flakes, it lights up so pretty and sprinkling.

Bread again

Bread has become one of my favorite brunch place in Nolita. The tomato soup is always good. Today I tried the Sandine Sandwich and it was good too!

Augustin's Waffle

I had this super tasty waffles today at the Bryant Park. They were very close to the Sabon store. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Diffuser - Essential Secret

New Sabon home fragrance product - Essential Secret Diffuser. I am loving the Pure White which smells like musk!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chicken soup

I had chicken soup when I was in Mira's home in Israel.  I miss this soup so much so I asked for the recipe. Mira was so nice to share the recipe with me. The soup is so simple and good, I can have it everyday. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Xmas gift for Japan

Sent Xmas gift to Okasan and Sachiko in Japan. 

For Okasan, I got the aromatic oil from Sabon Israel; for Sachiko, I got her the bath salt rose. I love the gift boxes alot too. 

Monday, December 15, 2008


This time, I had more time in the Israel Ben Gurion airport so I got some snack and hummas home. I guess this is the authentic one. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Shower Oil & Night Serum

There are two Sabon products that I cannot live without everyday.  First, it's the Shower Oil ($18), it's very foamy and soft for the skin. All the smell are good, I like to keep two bottles in the shower.  The second items is the Night Serum($49), it's made from Lotus Flower, it is so silky and soft for the skin. I just bought it from the Bryant Park store today. 

Royal Aroma on Shelves

Finally, the Royal Aroma that we had been waiting for, it's finally on shelve in both Tokyo and New York.  Here are the pics from the Tokyo Omotesando Store.  

Friday, December 12, 2008


Stopped by Bryant Park again to say bye to Mirit at Sabon. So I stopped by B.Knit next door, which is also another Israel brand. The products are so simple and nice. I couldn't stopped myself shopping again and bought the gray scraf. 

Beauty & Healthcare Package Design

Sabon products are listed in this Beauty & Healthcare Package Design book. Available to purchase in Amazon Japan. Check out other sample pages.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sabon Christmas Window

The Sabon Cheslea store has changed to the new Christmas window.
I love the big chunk of tree display. Need to get those new gift boxes too!

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Things I bought in Israel

This bear and heart is only selling in Israel now.

I got a lot of stuffs from Sabon this time. But still feel like I wanted more.