Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kansai お店周り

Went around stores in Kansai with Aiko, Rika, and Atsuko. So happy to see all the stores were full of customers and staffs were working happily, we have gained so many Sabon fans over the years in Japan... thank you everyone.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012



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Kyoto 久しぶりの京都

Took 1/2 day off from work and walked around Kyoto. Went to my favorite place 壱銭洋食 to eat Okomiyaki.... it's almost 15 years ago since I went last time.. wanted to eat 抹茶パフェ in Tsujiri but too long line... next time :)

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sabon Girls Fashion Check

Pretty lace top

Hair accessories

Hamsa Necklace

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sabon Nagoya's Customer Line

Over 100+ customers were lining to go into the 1st Sabon store in Nagoya!! Most of them wanted to get the 6500yen opening kit!!

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Sabon Truck Lighted up!

Found the Sabon truck running on the street again.... we chased after the truck... it was lighted up and so pretty!!!

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Sabon Nagoya 名古屋

Sabon Nagoya at JR Takashimya has opened today!